yesterday night , v all celebrate birthday v kumtat ! 1st v go FOUR HAPPY SEASONS RESTAURANT over the wangsa maju ther ! v choose winter part ! when i go in , i feel my leg vy cool n going to 打冷颤 ! thn v start to oder food n drink ! i jz oder drink onli ! the drink over ther nt bad , feel good ! N the food also nt bad , i hv try my fd lamb steak ! taste nice ! :)
after tat , v go naili's place near the setapak ! it is a mamk restaurant ! bt the feel over ther vy good ! food ? ...... haha !!! all the ppl sit together n chatting ! v eat the cake ther ! the cake taste reali good n i nv eat tis kind of cake b4 ! vy nice ! :)
mango yogurt cake
uy , wengkit , leklun , css

yizhen , zeeaun , vanessa , carmen
me , kumtat(bday boy) , cheekong
tunyan is taking the photo

yizhen , zeeaun , vanessa , carmen
tunyan , kumtat(bday boy) , cheekong
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