

其实搭巴士也有它的快乐之处!偶尔会有许多意想不到的快乐!可是我只喜欢搭从tar college回家时候的巴士!因为少人,我又可以坐!我相信一定没有人会和我一样那么的无聊!如果搭巴士回家的话,需要转巴士!所以从tar college回我家这趟路程最少需要两个小时才能到家!超浪费时间!明明可以搭lrt回家,又快又方便,但有个蠢人却喜欢浪费时间搭巴士,那个人就是我!哈哈。。。其实我喜欢搭巴士回家,因为一来省钱啦,二来又不用转那么多次!如果lrt的话leh,需要巴士或teksi到lrt station,然后putra转star,再转巴士或teksi回家!对我这个懒人来说的话,很麻烦!还是静静地坐在巴士里,慢慢欣赏车外的风景来的快乐!如果一个人回的时候,我可以慢慢地欣赏车外风景,又可以静静地想东西,发下美丽的白日梦!有时如果太累的话,我会在车上睡觉!这样可以省时间,那么我就有更多的时间在家玩电脑,看戏!哈哈。。。有时,人喜欢一个人,静静地坐着,恼里想着快乐的事情,有时还因为酱,自己会不由自主地笑了起来!哈哈。。。应该没有人会像我那么白痴兼无恼吧!哈哈。。。有的话,我都蛮想见识见识下!或许这就是我吧!一份简单的路程,也可以让一个人得到简单的快乐!^^



wall-e !
a vy interesting n also meaningful movie !
the movie is bout our world !
human always throw rubbish anyway n make the world cannot b live N
the place wher tey live after tat n tey way of their living !
the whole movie is nt more than 100 actor' lines ! so u wil c more " gambar " than listening
bt reali meaningful n also funny
the funny place is the robot love another robot
one robot name wall-e n other name eva
wall-e love eva n help her done all the thing n ganti his life also
because of tis eva is touch n save the wall-e
bt after tat wall-e is forget all the memory b4
he bcome a normal robot
eva try all to remember b the wall-e
finally the wall-e is remember b n together v eva
haha!!! tis the place tat movie funny !
i wont suggest u all go n watch , bt if watch is also a good try n a good experience !

mj bday

happy birthday !!!


maple story 3rd birthday

formal day

tis was my first time wearing formal shirt ! I never try tis style before , but becasue of the presentation , i hv to do tat so ! Before tat , i think i wear formal will b vy 'yong shui' , but after wearing , i feel nt bad at all ! It also nice look ! haha ! Anyway , tis was my new try n i wil harga it ! i hv been long time didt update my blog alreadi ! because 5 day stay at hostel , so i hv less time stay hm to ply pc update my blog ! long time no c !
big family the best of the best
girl team
boy team
me n meow
aiko n me
our dai gar jie , munyee(slowfish) haha
yanching n me
our classrate , shinnih
me n ming jian
lagoon n me
junyan n me
shili n mecheehao n me
honghong gary me


i love u-chapter 2

: Ahebik (female to male)
: Ana ahebik
: Ib'n hebbak
: Ana ba-heb-bak
: Bahibak (female to male)
: Bahibik (male to female)
: Benhibak (more than one male or female to male)
: Benhibik (male to male or female to female)
: Benhibkom (male to male or female to more than one male)
: Nhebuk (spoken to someone of importance)
Arabic (Umggs.)
: Ana hebbek
: Yes kez si'rumem
: Me dor wo
: Moi tomak bhal pau
: Ami tomake walobashi
Basque : Maite zaitut
: Nere maitea ("My love.")
: Mengweswe
: Holong rohangku di ho
: Ndikufuna
: Aami tomaake bhaalo baashi
: Ami tomay bhalobashi
: Ami tomake bahlobashi
: Lakh tirikh
: Namumutan ta ka
Bolivian Quechua
: Qanta munani
: Volim te
: :..: ..: ..-.. .::":.., :.:;
: Eu te amo (pronounced 'eiu chee amu')
: Amo te
: Obicham te
: As te obeicham
: As te obicham
: Obozhavam te ("I love you very much")
: Chit pa de
: Mi aime jou
: Kh_nhaum soro_lahn nhee_ah
: Bon sro lanh oon
Canadian French
: Sh'teme (spoken, sounds like this)
: Je t'aime ("I like you")
: Je t'adore ("I love you")