wall-e !
a vy interesting n also meaningful movie !
the movie is bout our world !
human always throw rubbish anyway n make the world cannot b live N
the place wher tey live after tat n tey way of their living !
the whole movie is nt more than 100 actor' lines ! so u wil c more " gambar " than listening
bt reali meaningful n also funny
the funny place is the robot love another robot
one robot name wall-e n other name eva
wall-e love eva n help her done all the thing n ganti his life also
because of tis eva is touch n save the wall-e
bt after tat wall-e is forget all the memory b4
he bcome a normal robot
eva try all to remember b the wall-e
finally the wall-e is remember b n together v eva
haha!!! tis the place tat movie funny !
i wont suggest u all go n watch , bt if watch is also a good try n a good experience !
